If you are a brewery in the USA – exporting draught / kegs to the EU, do not settle for plastic kegs or one way throw aways! Use the best. One way STAINLESS Blefa/Franke 30 Lt kegs ( USA – D valve or EURO – S valve) or 1/6 Barrel with USA D-type valve. Kegs are RFID tagged to support tracking by the brewery and their distribution supply chain.
Give your beer the best chance to survive the travel and arrive at the pub in the manner intended. Every shipment of plastic kegs – you are losing money on spoiled beer, leakers, damages to fittings, un-saleable beer. The brewery pays, the importer loses money.
Keg Logistics provides brewers on both sides of the pond – delivered kegs to your brewery, you fill and ship and forget, Keg Log is responsible for recovery and return of the empty kegs in the export country. Available now to USA and EU brewers looking for a permanent solution to selling draught beer abroad.